Growing Concerns Over Employee Surveillance and Bias in Workplace Monitoring Software

Employee surveillance has seen a significant rise, driven by the shift to hybrid work during the pandemic. Startups like Erudit have capitalized on this trend, offering AI-powered work monitoring software. Through integrating with existing workplace communication apps like Slack and Zoom, Erudit aims to provide real-time insights on employee productivity, alignment, autonomy, engagement, and satisfaction.

However, concerns about privacy, potential biases, and misinterpretations have been raised. While Erudit claims to anonymize chat data, many employees worry about the invasion of privacy. There are also concerns about the impact of cultural differences in text expressions and the potential for momentary lapses in judgment affecting assessments. Additionally, the actions taken by managers based on the data generated by such software may raise questions about fairness and unjust punishments. Despite these concerns, Erudit has gained numerous customers, and the company plans to expand its team in areas such as customer support, success, and sales.